Car Show: 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Registration in the Courthouse Lobby
Dash Plaques for the first 100 entries
Food Trucks, Craft Vendors, Flea Market & More
Drag Races; 2:00 PM
Norton Airport
Drag Race: $25.00 for entry in Drag Race, $5.00 per spectator, or $25.00 per carload
Classic Cruisers, Motorcycles, Open Class, Trucks
Come early for Party in the Park at Elmwood Park beginning at 5 PM on Friday the 7th!
Saturday Jul 8, 2023
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM CDT
July 8th
Car show: 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Drag Race: 2:00 PM
Car Show will be located in the direct vicinity of the Norton County Courthouse
Drag Races will be held at the Norton Airport
Car Show: $25.00 registration fee per vehicle
Drag Race: $25.00 for entry in Drag Race, $5.00 per spectator, or $25.00 per carload